Mushrooms & Chilli


Mushrooms & Chilli or Iranian Figs with Wanderer Honey Fresh Honey

  • frying pan
  • 4 tbsp Medium mushrooms
  • 250 gr Steak/lamb/chicken/sausages
  • 30 ml Wine or Verjuice
  • 1 tbsp Small fresh chilli
  • 50 ml Vegetable Water
  • 100 gr Frozen baby peas
  1. Cook mushrooms in butter in the frying pan, put aside, keeping warm.

  2. Cook meat to your liking, then put it aside, keeping warm.

  3. Using the pan juices, add wine or verjuice, then reduce the heat & add 4 pieces of mushroom & cut a piece of the chilli to your liking (if you like a lot more chilli, add fresh chilli)

  4. To increase the sauce amount, add vegetable water – not a lot – to help reconstitute the mushroom & chilli. Then add frozen baby peas. 

Place everything on your plate & ENJOY!!

Main Course
chicken, chilli, Iranian figs, lamb, Mushrooms, Sausages, Steak

Ice cream with Wanderer Honey fresh Honey

Our honey mixed with vanilla Streets Blueribbon ice cream

  • 4 tbsp Streets Blue ribbon ice cream(vanilla)
  • 3 teasp Wanderer Honey fresh seasonal honey 

DRIZZLE, from a height, 3 teaspoons of Wanderer Honey fresh seasonal honey into 4 tablespoons of vanilla Streets Blue ribbon ice cream.

MIX for 30 seconds.


Baby spinach salad with Honey dressing

Add a delecious flouver to your green salad with Wanderer Honey

  • 150 gr Baby spinach
  • 1 small-sized Avocado
  • 1 medium-sized Fresh beetroot cut into straws
  • 200 gr Edamame Beans 
  • 1 small-sized Red onion slice in rings
  • 150 gr Snow peas


1/2 cup cold-pressed olive oil

4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons wanderers honey

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 
