Bees Events

A while ago I talked about the phenomenon called ‘Bees Events’, and people keep asking me “How do we know when we see one?”. Well, interestingly each time we see a different behaviour, or a different process appears out of the blue as the bees do something different, and we should assume that something special is happening. Have a look at these photos, do you see something remarkable?

These hives have been experiencing a boom population. At spring time, some of the hives will have a slow swarm hanging by the hive. Here we see a massive size swarm, already hanging outside the hive, as there is simply no room inside. The bees are waiting for their queens to hatch and mate, before they can fly away to a new home.

But what is the event and why is it happening now? It’s not spring yet, spring is a month away, and we know that swarms should be coming out only at the best possible conditions given by mother nature. Interestingly, the bees “know” that spring is coming early this year, and so is summer, but that’s not all the information the bees “know”. How do they know there will be enough food and flowers to maintain the five times bigger swarm than usual? Do bees gamble? No, they do not gamble. Bees have the natural tendency to know and plan their capacity. Throughout the year, bees know how to maintain the size of their swarm to as close as possible to the productive level, when nectar and pollen will be in abundant, and the bees will gain the most out of it.

This year we are seeing an event rolling out, and it’s going to be amazing…. So stay tuned for more details about this spring’s upcoming event – coming soon.

The Tree Readers

There is an extraordinary relationship between farmers and trees. Farmers understand their trees by simply observing them as they nourish and irrigate their land and plants. It is in the way farmers watch how the trees grow, as fresh leaves appear, as the bloom gradually evolves, and as the flowers flourish.

Beekeeper’s livelihood depends on their capability of tree reading combined with all the knowledge they have accumulated and processed over the years. However, knowledge about the evolutionary trees is considered a top-secret for beekeepers. Therefore, they will never share the information they have gathered about trees and honey with others. Well, at least not accurately…  which means you will always have to do your research about the trees.

Let’s dig a little deeper into what Tree Reading means. Tree reading in the forest is about trying to understand when the trees will flower, will it have any nectar or pollen or possibly both, and any other information that may be useful to us as beekeepers. Amazingly, trees know all about drought cycles. This is because they have a very long memory, and they can analyse the ‘power of light’. They feel the power of the sunlight and can react to it.

We expect trees to flower every year because our thinking is around the annual cycle in nature. But in reality, some of the trees rest every second year, while some create different flowering cycles. Some trees will flower and regrow at the same time, and some will put more energy and resources into leaf growth rather than for nectar production. Trees have the autonomy to choose their time to bloom or flower. Sometimes, it could happen out of season, sometimes at the wrong time within the season, and in some cases, they would skip a season altogether.

I had seen trees blooming in drought areas weeks before the flood arrived, sometimes in a very small and isolated area. In those areas that were eventually flooded, the trees just “knew” it was going to rain soon and produced new leaves as if it already rained to enable themselves to pump water up when the rain came. Other trees outside the flood areas did not bloom since they knew it would not rain for them. This is an astonishing behaviour we humans refer to as “predicting the future”.

In the beekeeper world, we utilise a lot of knowledge and experience, sometimes with a bit of luck, to be able to spot the right flower in the right location, with plenty of nectar flowing out. Hunting flowers is about knowing where they are located, estimating the time they will flourish, and picking the right patch to get honey accumulated by the bees. Beekeepers will often travel to the flowers, verify they have enough nectar, and bring their beehives to the site to collect pure honey. This process happens all year round, including the slow winter season and even in the coldest areas. Experienced beekeepers will always find flowers that will provide nectar throughout the year, enough to create modest crops of honey during winter and much more during spring and summer.

Chasing flowers and reading trees is a fascinating topic and a “way of life”, but only very few beekeepers have a fundamental understanding of the trees.

Dolfi Benesh