Varroa Mite

To all beekeepers.

Varroa mite showed up around the world 40 years ago, and it is not stoppable. It is treatable with up to 90% success – we can save the bees and get on with our lives. The DPI and Bio security approach is wrong, and they accelerate the spread of the mite, while burning hives. Due to the varroa mite it will be very hard to recreate again. As a beekeeper who experienced varroa 35 years ago overseas, we lost most of the hives, as THERE IS NO WAY TO STOP THE VARROA MITE!!! The Varroa mite can be easily treated, CONTROLLED AND MONITORED as lots of knowledge and solutions has been developed in the last 30 years.

The cycle of the varroa mite makes it Impossible to Eradicate. The Varroa is a mite – like a flee, it can’t fly but jumps from one bee to the next. The Varroa will attack all bee colonies – feral and farmed – eradicating the bees completely, and can bring bees to complete distinction. It is very very very!!! important to save every beehive we have under control, to enable ourselves to bounce back after the first wave of the varroa, and the waves coming seasonally every year. By burning hives we help the varroa to eradicate the honey bees completely.

Let me explain further: While burning hives, reminder bees will survive from every hive, this reminder bees will go on a flight to feed themselves, they will fly next to other bees or even will try to find their way into feral or other hives. While bees park on flowers, the mite jumps from one bee back to the other. While lost bees from burnt hives try to enter other hives, the mite jumps on to the guard bees of the uninfected hive at the entry, and spread into the hive. Burning hives can create super spreader at high speed!! It’s a mistake and it comes from very low beekeeping knowledge and approach. If we want to prevent the full impact of the varroa, we must treat the bees with existing spray and fumigation systems that get used world wide over 25 years. By killing bees, a super spreader storm is created, and it will be much harder to recreate bees – pollination – honey, after loosing so many thousands of hives.

It is a very big task to save the bees now. Good luck to all the beekeepers, get geared, get ready.

The legend of the Paterson Curse flowers

Many years ago, there was a horse farm down in South Australia, who grew racing horses for competitions. These horses were very expensive and one day a snake bit one of the horses. The owner quickly called the vet, but unfortunately the horse had died. The owner then contacted his insurance company and told them that the horse died from food poisoning, after eating Paterson Curse plants. The insurance company which insured all his horses for premium dollars, did not flinch and paid a massive amount covering the cost of the horse.

This event has sparked the story around the Salvation Jane – Paterson Curse, which became the biggest myth and fake knowledge about this unique plant. The Paterson Curse is rich in protein, and evidently sheep and cows eat it, and so do horses and goats. Additionally, the Paterson Curse yields nectar in high quality, to produce one of the best honeys in Australia and all over the world.

The story gained more and more momentum and bad effect, as if not enough to get the bad rap, farmers got together and financed a university research stating that Paterson Curse is a poison and even radioactive, not to mention the honey produced from these flowers contain copper… Eventually, a virus was developed to kill the plants, and it was released to the open in order to spread and terminate the plants.

A few facts about the Paterson Curse: All animals eat it. The honey from Paterson Curse is top quality, and one acre can yield up to 550kg in good season. Unfortunately, an amazing source of honey of the highest quality is vanishing right in front of our eyes. The oil from Paterson Curse seeds is very therapeutic and in high demand – if you can get the seeds at all.

I am amazed how people can pick such an innocent target and aim so much effort at it without even thinking whether the story behind it is actually true, without checking the facts. Keep eating Paterson Curse Honey! Ask for it! Demand beekeepers to provide it, maybe we will be able to save the plant… Plant seeds in your own garden, the perfume from these flowers is amazing too.

Enjoy our Paterson Curse when we extract it, as it soon might disappear completely.